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You can pass an optional configuration object as the second argument to EdgeWorker.start() to tweak the worker’s behavior.

Default configuration

EdgeWorker.start(handler, {
// name of the queue to poll for messages
queueName: 'tasks',
// how many tasks are processed at the same time
maxConcurrent: 10,
// how many connections to the database are opened
maxPgConnections: 4,
// in-worker polling interval
maxPollSeconds: 5,
// in-database polling interval
pollIntervalMs: 200,
// how long to wait before retrying a failed job
retryDelay: 5,
// how many times to retry a failed job
retryLimit: 0,
// how long a job is invisible after reading
// if not successful, will reappear after this time
visibilityTimeout: 3,

Queue and polling


Type: string Default: 'tasks'

The name of the PGMQ queue to listen to for messages.

EdgeWorker.start(handler, {
queueName: 'my-custom-queue'


Type: number Default: 5

Amount of seconds to wait for a message to be available in the queue.

EdgeWorker.start(handler, {
maxPollSeconds: 5 // Long-poll for 5 seconds waiting for a message


Type: number Default: 200

The interval for in-database polling that pgmq.read_with_poll does. Most of the time, you don’t need to change this value.

EdgeWorker.start(handler, {
pollIntervalMs: 300 // Poll every 300ms



Type: number Default: 5

Amount of seconds to wait between retry attempts.

EdgeWorker.start(handler, {
retryDelay: 5 // Wait 5 seconds between retries


Type: number Default: 5

Maximum number of retry attempts for failed message processing before marking the message as dead.

Set to 0 to disable retries.

EdgeWorker.start(handler, {
retryLimit: 0 // retries are disabled


Type: number Default: 3

The duration in seconds that a message is hidden from other consumers while being processed.

EdgeWorker.start(handler, {
visibilityTimeout: 5 // message will re-appear in queue after 5 seconds if not processed



Type: number Default: 10

This option limits concurrency - the maximum number of messages that can be processed at the same time. Increase for IO-heavy tasks (network or db calls), decrease for CPU-heavy tasks.

EdgeWorker.start(handler, {
maxConcurrent: 10 // Process up to 10 messages at once


Type: number Default: 4

This option limits the number of connections to the database. Increase for IO-heavy tasks (network or db calls), decrease for CPU-heavy tasks.

EdgeWorker.start(handler, {
maxPgConnections: 10 // Use up to 10 connections to the database